Base to Base Ride Out

Event details

7 April 2024 - 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Event type

Organised by



 Paramedic pup in front of motorbike ride out group, text reads: NWAA flying to save lives Base to Base Ride Out kindly sponsored by Renthal

The North West Air Ambulance Charity are taking to the roads on our very own Base to Base motorcycle ride out. Setting off from City Airport at Barton and riding to Blackpool Airport.

The North West Air Ambulance Charity is a lifesaving charity. From accidental injuries to severe medical emergencies, our crew delivers specialist and enhanced pre-hospital care to the most critically ill and injured. Through your support we then transport patients to the most appropriate hospital, to achieve the best outcome for them.

Our specialist team works tirelessly 365 days of the year to provide lifesaving, pre-hospital care. As a charity, we receive no government or NHS funding and rely on people like you to help keep us operational. Sign up today by registering at Eventbrite.

We are delighted to announce that Renthal have kindly sponsored our Base to Base Ride Out. Renthal is a global leader in the manufacturing, design, and sales of motorcycles, cycle parts and accessories. With 50 years of experience creating the highest quality motorcycle parts and accessories, Renthal offer premium handlebars, grips, chain wheels and chain for street, adventure, sports bikes, naked and custom motorcycles. 

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please get in touch by email or by phone on 0800 587 4570.


#NWAAmazing #motorcycle #Manchester #Lancashire #RideOut #BaseToBase #Renthal