Our strategy

Our vision

To bring the hospital to the patient.

Our purpose

To fly the most advanced medical crew and equipment to patients when and where needed most.

How do we do this?

  • Adopting an evidence and outcome-based approach to advance our impact
  • Exploring and embracing new innovative approaches across our organisation
  • Strengthening existing partnerships and identifying new collaborative opportunities
  • Adhering to transparent governance and compliance structures
  • Creating inspiring working environments to help staff and volunteers flourish
  • Ensuring the sustainability of our service and balanced income growth
  • Raising our profile with the public and key stakeholders across the North West
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It’s all about patient outcomes. By taking an evidence-led approach, we can make the right decisions at the right time for the charity, so we’ve got the best clinical and aviation resources to maximise the impact we have on patients.

Heather Arrowsmith, CEO

Image of a North West Air Ambulance Charity helicopter

How we work

How we’re regulated, our financial reports, and more.

image of crew member sat in helicopter

Our trustees

Our trustees ensure that we fulfil our purpose of bringing the hospital to the patient.

Annual report

Read our annual report from 2022 – 2023. See what we achieved and our long-term objectives for the future.

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